World elder abuse awareness day

Dear editor, June 15, 2024, is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. On that day, communities in the USA and all over the world will sponsor events to highlight solutions to this systemic social challenge.

Age: A Plus or Minus?

Dear editor, Recently, I was traveling on a Sydney Harbour ferry, when three young people speaking German sat down in front of me.

A thank you for saying NO

Dear Editor, I want to thank the few landowners, particularly in the Town of Mineral Point and adjacent towns, who are standing strong against Pattern Energy. Pattern Energy is working hard to construct a project comprising181 wind turbines of up to 698’ in height, as well as transmission and grid-tie …

Farmer’s Market, a great experience

Dear Editor, I told my son that all I wanted for Mother’s Day was for him to take me to the Ridgeway Farmer’s Market. We had a very nice time.

The danger of a single story

Dear Editor, Former president Donald Trump demonizes undocumented immigrants and promises to deport millions if he is reelected. He plans to build detention camps and to use the U.S. military.

Town of Mineral Point recall

Dear Editor, Please remind our residents of the Town of Mineral Point to return their recall petitions.

Poorly done map....why?

Dear Editor, Renewable energy developer Invenergy hasn't improved the map in their pre-application to the PSC for their Badger Hollow Wind project in Iowa and Grant Counties.

Don’t dump on the roadside

Dear Editor, “Nothing is a waste of time if you learn something from it.” How about the following?

If you don’t like it, you can change it

Dear Editor, Here’s the good news. If you don’t like it, you can change it. I’ve been reading the very controversial book, “White Rural Rage.” In fact, since 2018 I’ve read numerous books about the anger that exists in our society, and the rural areas are no exception.

Evangelicals: Friends or Foes?

Dear Editor, Kay Ziegahn’s letter to the editor entitled, “Trump: Man or Beast?”, was rather timely. The week that she was thinking about what a heavenly earth might look like, I was studying the Book of Revelation about what an eternal Heaven will look like. She longed for peace. Will …

Why did we take a stand?

Dear Editor, As the executive director of the Driftless Area Land Conservancy (DALC), I have been asked why DALC and the citizens of southwest Wisconsin continue to fight the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line.

Direction of Arena questioned

Dear Editor, I am deeply concerned about the direction our Village of Arena is heading under the current Village Board. It’s disheartening to witness individuals elected to public office prioritize personal agendas over the betterment of our community.

In response to Michael Britt’s letter

Dear Editor, My letter is in response to Michael Britt's letter on April 4. My goodness, after reading your letter one would think that Mr. Trump is the devil himself! But as usual for the left they spout of accusations but there were no FACTS in the letter.

Response to "Pray for America"

Dear Editor, I have written a number of articles responding to Gregory Erickson’s ridiculous assertions that he makes about every other week it seems in the paper. I have never tried to silence him because everybody has a right to their opinion. Last week Erickson claimed that the Democratic Party …

Vetsroll helps veterans

Dear Editor, The Lone Rock American Legion Auxiliary #383 and the Cabin Fever Dance Committee would like to thank Lone Rock and the surrounding communities for their generous support of our Cabin Fever Dance. On March 2, we held our tenth fundraiser for