How do you rebuild the lives of a million children?

Dear Editor, President-elect Donald Trump has declared that "there will be hell to pay" if hostages in Gaza are not released prior to his taking office on January 20th.

Natural gas doesn't deserve the health halo

Dear Editor, It's time to call a spade a spade, and ditch the healthy halo surrounding the term 'natural gas'.

The Holidays are Plastic

Dear Editor, As we enter the holiday season, you'll see some commonalities among a lot of your kid's toys: plastic. That new Transformer, Barbie, board game - it all comes either sheathed in plastic, or made of it.

About cultivated meal

Dear Editor, Any state or federal politician who claims to care about animal welfare should support public funding for cultivated-meat research. For those who don't know, cultivated meat is grown from livestock cells, without slaughter.

Cuts are outrageous

Dear Editor, Let’s start here. Representative Tom Tiffany (WI -CD7) “hopes the next Congress also looks at cutting some aspects of mandatory spending, like food stamps.” Heck, it just means more hungry kids, but that is a small price to pay so they can extend tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy …

Israel and charges of genocide

Dear Edtor, The human rights organization Amnesty International has issued a nearly 300 page report concluding that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Israel and the United States have both rejected Amnesty International's findings.

Health Risk Predictions for Badger Hollow Wind

Dear Editor, Are you concerned about Wind Turbine-related health risks your household would become subject to if the Badger Hollow wind power plant proposal is approved as outlined by power plant developer, Invenergy?

Climate Change Means It's Tick Season, Year-Round

Dear Editor, Lyme disease. If you haven't had it personally, you likely know someone who does.

Election night a terrible night

Dear Editor, In case you missed it – Jimmy Kimmel’s opening monologue Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024 as reported by The Independent. “Jimmy Kimmel chokes back tears as he says election marked ‘terrible night’ for everyone”

We The People

Dear Editor, We the people have spoken. We the working stiffs, the backbone of America: Teamsters, machinists, welders, truck drivers, police, first responders, construction workers, plumbers, electricians, manufacturers, small businesses, service workers, and veterans, etc. are taking our country back! We are done with the legacy media (NPR, CBS, ABC, …

Media has failed the people again

Dear Editor, The Media fell for every false claim and issue about Mr. Trump "hook line and snicker" during the past decade that has been exposed yet again. Lawfare backfired on the Dems.

The election is over and I am still asking, "Who won?"

Dear Editor, Trump won the Presidency, but did the American people win as a result? We won't know the answer to that for some time. There are things, however, that disturb me.

Get out and vote

Dear Editor, Does anybody think that politics, or voting, doesn’t matter?

Republicans plans for Department of Ag

As I drive the country side and see a lot of Trump signs by farmsteads I wonder if farmers are aware of the republican platform for the Department Of Agriculture.

Please vote yes on referendum

Dear Editor, My family moved to Dodgeville when I was 6 months old, and I have lived here pretty much my entire life outside of my college years. From the time that I was a 3rd grader in Mrs. Rocks's 3rd grade class,