Mail carriers will be missed

Dear Editor, I would like to use this forum provided by our newspaper to show my, and I would guess so many others who depend on our mail delivery folks.

Giant Republican Postcards

Dear Editor, Golly, gee whiz, the Republicans certainly love their giant postcards this election cycle. The postcards show the scary Democrat incumbent opponent with horrible ideas and the Republican newbie with terrific, broadly impossible plans.

What’s in a name?

Dear Editor, Trump’s name resembles the French verb “tromper”, “to deceive”. This felon/presidential contender certainly lives up (or down) to this definition.

Afghanistan fault line

Dear Editor, On August 26, 2021 an ISIS suicide bomber slipped into a frantic crowd at the Abbey Gate at the Kabul airport. Unlike the crowd, he was not interested in being evacuated.

Tax break for small business??

Dear Editor, You may have heard about a month ago that the IRS plans to raise an additional $50 billion in revenue over 10 years by closing the pass-through tax loophole.

Think about your vote

Dear Editor, As a lifelong Wisconsinite, a rural resident for decades, and a faithful voter for over 55 years, I urge all of us to think deeply about what kind of country and what kind of state we want to live in, to get involved in the issues we care …

Farmer’s Markets, a new adventure

Dear Editor, Looking for a new adventure for yourself and/or your family and friends over the Labor Day weekend?

Preserve our quality of life

Hi Everyone, I’m writing again today about the industrial wind turbines that are proposed for our area. We’ve had visitors from both Pattern Energy and the Longview Alliance at our home recently.

Democracy NOT

Dear Editor, A WI Democrat official moved before the WI Supreme Court to remove presidential candidate Jill Stein from the 2024 WI ballot. Liberal Green Party Stein would take votes from Kamala. Even the left leaning SC said no.

Community and Caring is Still Alive in Iowa County

Dear Editor, On Tuesday morning, July 16, I suffered a stroke at 1:45 a.m. My husband Allen called 911. The first response from our community was the all volunteer Barneveld/Brigham EMT squad who arrived in ambulance within 20 minutes.

It’s no longer a man’s world…

Dear Editor, This letter is a response to Mr. Noland’s recent missive regarding women’s reproductive rights. His extensive use of New Testament scripture to back up his opinion is impressive.

Labor & Immigration Reform

Dear Editor, It's no secret that many undocumented immigrants work on our nation's farms. In its statement on "Labor and Immigration Reform," the National Milk Producers Federation asserts,

Learn more about wind power

Dear Editor, Thank you to the voters of Mineral Point who showed that democracy can work. The Mineral Point town board chairman and both supervisors have been outvoted in the recall election

Importance of the Dodgeville Reporter

Dear Editor, This Dodgeville Reporter speaks to the political health of our community. Yes, there are terrific news outlets on the internet, radio and TV about national issues.

Build back better

Dear Editor, "Build Back Better," was originally coined by Joe Biden. However, it is President Donald Trump who will ultimately bring this vision to fruition with the guidance of divine intervention, the hands of God.