March 13, 2025 at 10:50 a.m.

Udderly supports local schools

Dear Editor,

Wisconsinites value our public schools as the hope for our children and the center of our communities. April 1st I recommend you vote for Jill Underly to be re-elected as the Wisconsin Superintendent of Public Instruction to lead our state's schools.

Dr. Underly backs increasing support for all public schools in light of past cuts and recent inflation. This defunding has caused a majority of districts to hold referendums to increase local property taxes, for day-to-day operations or building maintenance and replacement. This adds to your property tax payments and makes housing less affordable.

Wisconsin has a $4 billion surplus, Underly has asked that this money be used to support local schools and then limit how they can increase property taxes. This should help every homeowner and renter.

Dr. Underly sees increased support for schools as helping add vocational and technical programs, improving school lunch nutrition, student mental health services, and full day 4-year-old kindergarten. This is in addition to her past support for new science-based literacy legislation, and new math and science standards. These and other work have resulted in raising Wisconsin schools' rank to 6th by U.S. News and World Report and graduation rates up to 3rd in the country.

April 1st vote for Underly for Superintendent to support your local schools and their students.

Bill Dagnon, Baraboo, WI