March 13, 2025 at 10:50 a.m.
Pass referendum; educate our kids
Dear Editor,
We are writing to encourage voters in the Dodgeville School District to vote yes on the operating referendum ballot question on April 1st. We are both lifelong residents who graduated from Dodgeville High School, as did our two sons. Over the years our family benefited greatly from the dedicated educators, administrators, and taxpayers who ensured that students received a good education.
We believe that an excellent school system is vitally important to the fabric of our community. When our students achieve great things, everyone can take pride in their success. Check out the Dodgeville School District’s Facebook page to discover the many ways students are excelling in school and community activities, and the teachers and coaches who guide them on their way.
Dodgeville is not unique in having to go to a referendum in the current school funding environment. Almost half of the school districts in Wisconsin went to referendum in 2024 alone. Currently, Dodgeville has one of the lowest mill rates of 31 school districts in Southwest Wisconsin. For more referendum information log into
We have an opportunity to make a difference like previous generations did before us. If you believe in the power of education for our kids and the importance of schools in our community, please vote yes on April 1st. Let’s make that day “A Great Day to be a Dodger!”
Terry and Penny Edwards
Dodgeville, WI