February 27, 2025 at 10:40 a.m.

Unconstitutional actions

Dear Editor,

This past week I attended our local rally for social justice in front of the Iowa County Courthouse. Lots of passersby gave honks of support, but we heard a few jeers as well. One fellow shouted, “Get a job!” as he drove by.

Well, that’s exactly the point, isn’t it?

Almost everyone at this rally was a senior citizen. People in their 70s and 80s (and older) shouldn’t have to get a job in order to survive. They want to be retired!

And as they watch Republicans take a wrecking ball to the federal government, they are rightfully worried about losing Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and their retirement savings. We all should be.

Pres. Trump is going on TV and saying that these programs won’t be touched. But the truth is that the House Republicans’ budget bill, which Trump endorsed, directs the committee that oversees both Medicare and Medicaid to make nearly A TRILLION DOLLARS in cuts.

The majority of nursing home residents depend on Medicaid. About half of Medicaid spending is for health care for seniors and people with disabilities. Guess what – seniors who require around the clock nursing care can’t just go get a job. What will happen to seniors in nursing homes if Republicans implement their plan to make deep cuts to Medicaid? And if the cuts Republicans are demanding don’t all come from Medicaid, will they come from Medicare?

Senior citizens – and all Americans who hope to one day be able to retire with comfort and dignity – should be alarmed by the dismantling of government services and by the budget bill being pushed by President Trump and Republican congressional leaders. Contact your elected officials. You can go to https://lutheranservices.org/take-action/#/ to find an online tool that makes it easy to voice your opposition to Medicaid cuts.

Retired Iowa County Sheriff Steve Michek spoke at the rally and gave an inspiring message about the duty to put the U.S. Constitution, the country, and respect for human life and dignity ahead of partisan politics. Michek has explained that he voted for Donald Trump in 2016, but was then appalled by Trump’s behavior in office, did not vote for him again, and urged fellow Republicans to do the same.

Republicans, Democrats, Independents – if you are troubled by immoral and unconstitutional actions by the President, it’s time to speak up. Tell Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson and other Republican members of Congress who are cheering on this chaos, “You have a job. You swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution, as did the President. Do your job!”

Jennifer Williamson

Dodgeville, WI