February 20, 2025 at 11:15 a.m.

For everyone’s health

Dear Editor,

Brendon Conway, spokesperson for WEC Energy group representing utilities across four states, has this to say about the ongoing buildout of more methane-fired electricity generation:

"It is critical for us to have quick-start gas plants available and running in our state for those times when intermittent renewable generation cannot meet customers' energy needs," he said in an email. "Absent some breakthrough in long duration energy storage, these proposed plants are the cheapest, most reliable and lowest carbon approach to support our customers when solar and wind are not able to provide enough power."

Brendon, I hate to burst your bubble, long duration energy storage exists, and it's cheaper all the time: batteries. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL.gov), lithium ion batteries dropped in price by 70% between 2010-2016; BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems) are already in place in numerous states around the US, storing renewable energy and disbursing it during periods of intermittency.

 Add to the fact that solar energy generation is the cheapest form of electricity generation in history (per the World Economic Forum), and the math on forcing more methane down our throats in the name of fiscal responsibility and reliability just doesn't add up.

Fight fossil fuel disinformation, and embrace the renewable transition for the health of our land and our people.


Nathan Dombeck, Janesville, WI