February 20, 2025 at 10:50 a.m.

Family’s loss gives new hope & life to children in our County

The personal loss of the Aide family of Highland gives children in Iowa County new hope & life. Their generous donations to Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP) in their time of sorrow is a heartfelt memorial that will bless the children of Iowa County for years to come. The Aide family’s donation in memory of William “Bill” was the first donation given to Iowa County’s future SHP chapter, an organization that builds beds for families so that children can be tucked into their own bed rather than sleeping on the floor or with multiple kids in the same bed.

The Aide family felt moved to make the donation when they first read the article in the Chronicle paper describing the project and the need to start a chapter in Iowa County.  Sleep in Heavenly Peace is so very grateful for their generous family & friends’ memorial donations that can help us start up the wonderful project locally so that “No kid sleeps on the floor in our town”. Coming up next week, Bill’s birthday will be remembered on February 25th. He is always in their hearts & they know he is now sleeping in heavenly peace with peace, knowing their dream to help kids get off to a good start can be realized.

If this worthy cause tugs at your heartstrings like it does ours, please consider making a donation. We are so grateful for some additional donations that came to us in the last couple of months, grateful for every penny which will go a long way in helping kids get a restful night’s sleep in their own bed, not on the floor. Also please consider volunteering or stepping into a volunteer leadership role with us where you have a vital role, a fulfilling purpose with immediate results right in our community.

You will be hearing a lot more over the next 6-9 months about SHP as we work to bring this special heartwarming project to Iowa County. Please stay tuned for details about an upcoming informational question and answer session with a member of the WI SHP leadership team.  

For more information, please contact Sherry Van Haren at 608-924-2412 or at svhfirefly@yahoo.com

Donations can be made to this non-profit organization through the Dodgeville Kiwanis Club (in the interim while we work to establish non-profit status and accounts for our new chapter) with checks made payable to Dodgeville Kiwanis Charitable Fund and notate “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” in the memo line.

Please send to Sleep in Heavenly Peace, c/o Dodgeville Kiwanis Charitable Fund, PO box 272, Dodgeville, WI 53533.