September 27, 2024 at 10:25 a.m.
Extension, Farm Bureau present Iowa County Safety Day to 4-Hers
The needs and safety of all the residents of Iowa County continue to grow and evolve, and the safety of our youth continues to be a top priority. The Iowa County Extension 4-H program and Iowa County Farm Bureau have partnered together to host the second annual Iowa County Safety Day for all fifth-grade students at the public and private schools of Iowa County.
This event is held at the Iowa County Fairgrounds each year. Dan Brandt, Iowa County 4-H Youth Development Educator, Krista Dolan, Iowa County Farm Bureau President, and Kyle and Karlee Thompson, farm accident survivors and active farmers, are the driving force in getting this event off the ground...
(See the rest of this story in the September 26, 2024 Chronicle issue)