September 13, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Well beyond Weird

Dear Editor,

As with many in this community, we had family members that served in World War Two. My spouse’s aunt was a airplane engine mechanic and training pilot (the first female) from Miami, Florida.

Our Uncle a farmer of German heritage was sent to Germany where he was wounded in 1944 with a return to Belmont to use a wheelchair for 50 years until his death. Another Uncle a POW spoke to eating potato peeling soup, he returned to Platteville for a full life with long deep memories.

My brother’s father-in- law stepped off an amphibious craft at Normandy Beach into what was to be 3 to 4 feet of water with a 80 pound pack … it was 6 to 10 feet In depth. He returned to Platteville.

These men and women along with many others saved our democracy.

Any and all that refer to the above as “ losers and suckers “ are : Well Beyond Weird


Robert W. Enloe

Dodgeville, WI