October 17, 2024 at 1:55 p.m.

“You're a Fascist”

Dear Editor,

My whole life, or as long as I've cared, I've understood the term fascism as private enterprise with government control. To help you understand, think of communism, where government controls the production through ownership, and capitalism with the production control through private ownership. What do people think fascism means?

A high school friend incessantly rants on Facebook, refers to Republicans as "fascists". I've asked him what he meant, but he did not, perhaps could not, tell me.

The definition of fascism in 1950 was "Any program for setting up a centralized autocratic national regime, with severely nationalistic policies, exercising regimentation of industry, commerce, and finance, rigid censorship, and forcible suppression of opposition".

How many times do we hear public-private partnership? Think about the government giving taxpayer money to private groups to do their bidding. It's not always bad, but certainly not always good. The government gives money to private groups to escort illegal aliens into our country and take care of them when they get here. Not to mention the censoring the government did with the social media companies during their pandemic.

Though they may use the word erroneously, I can tell by their ver clever and very adult [sarc] term "Orange Mussolini", that they know the true meaning, they just use it to slander individuals and groups of people I can only see the reason as they disagree with someone, but cannot defend their stance, or they simply do it for reasons of hate. Maybe both.

Jason Hlavac

Dodgeville, WI