May 16, 2024 at 11:20 a.m.

Lots of business taken care of at Barneveld School Board meeting

By John Dalton

At its regular school meeting held May 8th, Principal Heather Schmitz reported results from its spring 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Assessment and one concern remains that over fifty percent of students still text and drive, an increase from a 2021 assessment.  The school will continue to inform students of the consequences of texting while driving.   

Other assessment results were encouraging as over ninety percent of students feel safe and supported at school and have an adult they can talk to.  She mentioned students are extremely involved in physical activity, extracurricular activity, and employment, and that student anxiety levels have decreased. 

She also mentioned that the Forensics Team received the Excellence in Speech Award and the team was in the top 5% in the state.  

Dean of Students Melanie Norton also reported that Summer School minutes have increased by 170,000 minutes.  In 2022 the school reported 444,260 minutes and in 2023 reported 621,241 minutes which increased the Full Time Teacher equivalent compensation from state funding.  She noted the increase is due to adding Driver’s Education and Fitness Center classes to the summer school catalog....

(See the rest of this story in the May 16, 2024 Chronicle issue)