March 22, 2024 at 11:25 a.m.
Highland district voters can expect postcard
The Highland School Board learned there will a postcard sent to district residents reminding them about the approaching vote on the proposed referendum.
The card will discuss the referendum amount and the possible $10 mill rate increase.
In other business the board approved the proposed summer school offerings and the academic and career planning plan
Senior student Elliott Biba updated the board on the Distinguished Alumni by-laws for the project he is spearheading. Questions for further consideration included removal from the award if character problems arise. The board then approved the by-laws.
The board heard a request from Darren Laufenberg on behalf of the senior class asking permission for an overnight field trip May 18-19 to Six Flags at Gurnee, IL. The overnight will feature a lock-in.
The board approved the request.
Several students presented updates on their Senior Exit Projects.
(See the rest of this story in the March 21, 2024 Chronicle issue)