July 19, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.

Trump is anti-democratic

Dear Editor,

I grew up in an upstate New York small town in dairy country like Wisconsin. My friends were kids from town and the surrounding farms. We were independent, smart, do-it-yourself people. As a result, I don't believe that rural folks in Wisconsin want a dictator. They believe as much in democracy as the people I know in Madison. They believe in government of the people, by the people, and for the people. They just feel, rightly, that they aren't the people who are making the decisions of that government.

As a result, some listen to Donald Trump, who blames the government for all their misfortunes. But the problem is that he doesn't want to make our democracy fair. He wants to destroy it. He tried to remain in office when he lost the 2020 election. He fanned the flames of anger into violence at his rallies. He used the army on protesters in D.C. He demands complete loyalty and threatens to imprison any political enemies. If he were elected again, we would discover that his words are really a bait-and-switch ploy, enticing rural voters but instituting policies that line his own pockets and those of other big-city billionaires.


Nancy Vedder-Shults

Madison, WI