July 19, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.

Party of Hate

Dear Editor,

Corey Comperatore, fire chief and father of 2 daughters, was assassinated by Democrat hate Sunday in PA. The shooter left messages that he hated Trump and Republicans.  Joe Biden, the Commander-in-Hate, said after the debate, “….So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”  Democrat after Democrat have fanned the flames of hate so much as to lead a 20 year old man with no prior record to be an assassin.

Time and time again the Democrat Party has proven without a doubt it is the party of hate, hatred of Trump and America.  Democrat after Democrat have called for censorship of speech they don’t like.  Democrat after Democrat and their media propagandists have called Trump and we Republicans fascists and Hitler, saying we will end democracy.  We haven’t censored people or kept candidates off the ballot like Democrat Dean Phillips was in the WI primary.  Check it out.  He needed a WI Supreme Court decision just to get on the ballot.  Who does that?  Fascists.

Democrats, remove the Amazon forest of hypocrisy and sin from your own eyes before you speak about the specks in Trump and Republican eyes. All of us are guilty of sin and need God but the Democrat Party has made government its god.  Remember content of character?  The moment Democrats abandoned MLK’s defining ethos innocent blacks started being murdered through the defunding of police, the mindless and unjust demonization of police, and putting dangerous criminals back on the street to harm more people.  I proved in an earlier letter with Harvard professor Roland Fryer’s research that thousands of blacks were murdered because of Democrat attacks and the BLM effect on our nations police.

Like leading Constitution expert Jonathan Turley said just months ago, “I no longer recognize the party of my youth. We used to stand for something other than the next election or hating others.”

I want America strong and safe with the strongest military in the world, not the rapidly becoming weakest because Americans won’t join because of the betrayal and dishonor of Biden’s Democrats over Kabul, DEI, and the unjust Covid mandate.  I want a financially strong America able to fund Social Security and Medicare and care for the mentally ill, not the bankrupt America Democrats have made it.  I want America prosperous for all, not the elites Democrats represent.

Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard is asking American patriots to leave the Democrat Party. She is now joined by countless other former Democrats.  Let the rallying cry and chant be heard from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the Canadian border to the Mexican border, Vote Dem Out! Vote Dem Out!  Vote Dem Out!

Gregory Erickson

Infantry Veteran and 

Constitution Defender

Dodgeville, WI