July 12, 2024 at 11:25 a.m.

Vote “No” on amendments

To the editor,

Vote no on constitutional amendments in August.

There are two important amendments on the ballot in the state election in August. Currently the governor has authority to spend emergency funds given to Wisconsin by the federal government.  The proposed amendments  would take away the governor’s ability to efficiently get federal assistance out to where it is most needed during a time of crisis. 

One example of this type of funding is the Covid relief money sent to Wisconsin. This money went to schools, public health departments, and small businesses to soften the hardships stemming from the pandemic. The Republican legislature is trying to tie the hands of the governor by requiring legislative approval for all expenditures.  The result would be delay in getting payment to those in need during times when our state is most vulnerable.

It’s hard sometimes to read between the lines with these constitutional amendments. The language can sound pretty reasonable. This one is a power grab by the legislature and I would urge everyone to get out to vote no on the ballot for both amendments.

Paul Biere, Dodgeville, WI