July 12, 2024 at 11:20 a.m.

Response to "Remember this"

Dear Editor,

After reading the opinion "Remember this" I thought I would fact check some of  Mr. Noland's claims to see how much he "remembers".

Lie #1-- "Bill Clinton sold missile secrets to the Chinese for campaign contributions". I guess my first question is, why are talking about Bill Clinton? Mr. Noland is peddling a conspiracy theory that dates back 30 years to the days of Newt Gingrich  that the Republicans dubbed Clintongate. The problem was the claim had zero evidence to back up the charge which is the definition of a conspiracy theory. Easy to charge, impossible to prove. This is probably why very few people other than Mr. Noland's ilk bring it up.

Lie # 2- "President Obama canceled the National Day of Prayer". I suggest Mr. Noland google the history of this speial day. He will find the moving speech Obama gave proclaiming May 4th 2016 National Day of Prayer. Mr. Noland is correct when he said, in disgust I assume, that Obama celebrated Ramadan in the White House. So did Prersident Bush who hosted a Ramadan Dinner at the White House in 2001. Bush subsequently continued the dinners every year of his two terms. Donald Trump held a Ramadan dinner at the White House in 2018 and 2019. So what is your point Mr. Noland? Presidents are presidents of the whole country. They all, including Trump, have celebrated Jewish holy days in the White House.

Lie #3- "Obama pushed to legalize gay marriage in 2015 which is against true Christian values." Pretty bold statement to claim you know what "true" Christian values are for all Christians. There are many Christian denominations that accept gay members and even allow gay marriages. I am not going to list them , but a quick google search can affirm my position.

Lie #4- "Hilary Clinton let our Marines die in Benghazi". Really, are we going back to the old Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi issue? If Mr. Noland is so concerned about American soldiers dying under the direction of government officials he might want to comment on Trump's reaction to four American solders that were ambushed and killed in Niger in October 2017. Trump made a sick joke about the incident. You can read for yourself the whole conversation Trump had with his aides after the ambush. Since Mr. Noland feels the need to go back 30 years to try to make a case against presidents maybe he should go back to George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq. I remember poor Colin Powell going before the United Nations and lying over and over about Sadam Hussein's WMD (he had none). The invasion of Iraq led to 5000 American soldiers dying.

I do agree with Mr. Noland about the poor withdrawal from Afghanistan. The withdrawal after 20 years was, unfortunately, going to chaotic regardless of who was sitting in the Oval Office.

Truth Defender

Tom Osting

Platteville, WI