July 12, 2024 at 11:20 a.m.

Concerned about Arena Police Department removal

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding recent decisions made by certain members of the Arena Village Board, specifically Brittany Carney, Kathy Stoltz, Melissa Bandell, Kristen Shea, and Village President Kate Reimann. Their actions have raised serious issues that impact the safety and well-being of our community.

The decision to dissolve the Arena Police Department, pushed through without adequate consultation with residents, is deeply troubling. A survey, distributed selectively only to property owners, offered limited options. Trustee Kristen Shea stated that “Renters don’t pay taxes in the Village.” That is why they were not included in the survey. Also, the fact that only one survey per household was sent is another indication of a flawed process which undermines claims of representing community interests.

The survey had 106 respondents:

32 voted to maintain the Arena PD as it existed prior to Nov. 23rd

28 voted to reduce the PD to a single full-time officer

46 voted to dissolve the Arena PD entirely

When the numbers are added and subtracted, a total of 60 people wanted Police protection in some form, while 46 did not. So, why is the Village Board saying the nay votes won? 

Since the resignation of the Arena Police Department, citing low morale under the Village Board's influence, our safety has been jeopardized. A temporary policing agreement with the Iowa County Sheriff’s Department provides minimal coverage, leaving our community at risk due to longer response times. The Board approved a final policing contract before even receiving the contract from Sheriff Michael Peterson.

Trustee Brittany Carney’s dismissal of calls along Hwy 14 as irrelevant is concerning. She stated that “Hwy 14 is not part of the Village.”. What about the section within Village limits? 

Moreover, the recent Resolution #2024-09 Declaring Surplus Property-Police Assets, selling the Police equipment and statements made by Trustees Shea, Carney and Bandell, that there will be no Police Department in the future, highlights their disregard for public safety. Trustees Becca Raven Uminowicz and Matthew Schroeder rightfully questioned the lack of transparency and decision-making process surrounding the future of our police services.

Residents deserve answers. Why dismantle essential services without a clear plan for improvement? What measures are being taken to address heightened concerns over safety, especially with recent increases in speeds within the Village and on Hwy 14?

I urge the Village Board to reconsider their decisions and engage in meaningful dialogue with all residents to restore trust and ensure our community’s safety remains a top priority.


Sue Pustina, 

Arena, WI