July 12, 2024 at 11:15 a.m.
Updated July 12, 2024 at 11:20 a.m.

Biden needs more than money donated to beat Trump

Dear Editor,

In the few days since our Supreme Court established the United States as a monarchy, I have received over a half dozen anxious appeals for money from President Biden.  I find them even more disappointing than the outcome of his so-called debate with Donald Trump.  The tone of these messages is one of panic and suggests a serious disconnect between the Biden campaign and its constituents.  We don’t need more frightening reminders of what we already know.   What we need is a leader who instills confidence rather than fear.

Moreover, Biden doesn’t need more $25 donations to defeat Trump.  He needs ferocity.  He needs to make it clear he understands that we are already at war.  He needs to demonstrate to voters that in our defense he is willing to act as ruthlessly as his adversary.

The Supreme Court did not award unbridled power to Trump.  They conferred it upon “the President.”  Joe Biden is the President.  If he cannot imagine a way to use that immense power to protect us from a despot, then he does not deserve the office.

Michael Brandt

Arena, WI