February 8, 2024 at 11:45 a.m.
Wind Energy projects and Town of Mineral Point
Dear Editor,
Last week many Town of Mineral Point residents received information from The Long View Alliance WI in the mail regarding wind turbine projects and health and safety wind licensing ordinances. I urge these residents to consider all the information presented on the health and safety ordinance and respond with their input. Residents should inform themselves to make the best decisions for themselves and their neighbors.
Enclosed with the information was a petition asking the town board to consider a health and safety wind licensing ordinance. Some citizens would like to voice their concerns at town board meetings and discuss how an ordinance could help the town. There is a wealth of information and projected maps to be found on the internet at thelongviewalliancewi.org.
Wind Energy projects do not include just turbines. These projects also include access roads, new substations, underground turbine connection lines and above ground transmission lines to tie into the grid. Town officials should be discussing ways to protect their citizens health and safety. Public input should be allowed at the town meetings to better inform all parties involved. Health and safety effects should be discussed openly so all pros and cons can be addressed. Some towns have even had special meetings just to discuss wind energy projects in their area. Town of Mineral Point citizens are asked to return petitions to show their concerns with these wind turbine projects.
If you are a Town of Mineral Point resident and did not receive information please email thelongviewalliancewi@gmail.com. For more information please visit thelongviewalliancewi.org website or Facebook page.
Steve Ferrell
Iowa County landowner
Monroe, WI