February 8, 2024 at 11:50 a.m.

Why is Barry Hottmann a good fit for mayor?

Dear Editor,

Barry and I attended graduate school together at UW-Eau Claire.  We became good friends during this time working on several class projects together.  Unfortunately, we don't see each other much anymore as I am still in Eau Claire.  However, I wanted to take this opportunity to give the Dodgeville community my experience knowing Barry as they decide on their choice for Mayor.  

Barry is a dedicated individual that commits himself to getting the job done.  In working with Barry during our graduate program, it was difficult to find time during our busy lives to get our work done.  Barry always kept me focused on our schedule and moving the needle forward.  He was always committed to figuring out new information and approaches to problems.  Since I had two little ones at home, Barry would go out of his way to use my home as our meeting place to work on our projects (before Teams or Zoom).  

Barry is a caring person.  He always puts other people before himself.  He would probably agree that this trait has sometimes turned against him.  However, this will blossom when he becomes your mayor.  I remember Barry having a cocker spaniel that developed a debilitating spinal disease causing him to lose feeling in his back legs.  Many people would put  this dog to sleep - not Barry!  He purchased a wheeled prosthetic carriage for him to use.  I have a terrible memory; but that's something I won't forget...seeing that dog whip around his house on that thing like nothing was wrong!

Dodgeville is great community with robust local businesses and community organizations. There is an obvious foundation of commitment and caring  that keeps you going.  Barry Hottmann will be a great addition to continue leading this charge!

Doug Richardson

friend of Barry Hottmann

Dodgeville, WI