February 8, 2024 at 11:35 a.m.

Highway 18-151 and YZ intersection topic of public meeting

By John Dalton

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation held a Public Involvement Meeting last Thursday at Dodgeville City Hall to propose a solution for the intersection of US 18/151 and County Y/YZ.  

The crash history at this intersection has been significant over the years.   This intersection has been identified by The Transportation Projects Commission (TPC) as having a trend of angle crashes due to County YZ vehicles failing to yield to US 18/151 traffic.  During five years from 2017 through 2021, 25 crashes occurred at this intersection.  Of those 25, seventeen were angles, or those involving at least one vehicle traveling along the major road and one traveling the minor road. 

(See the rest of this story in the February 8, 2024 Chronicle issue)