August 29, 2024 at 12:15 p.m.

Think about your vote

Dear Editor,

As a lifelong Wisconsinite, a rural resident for decades, and a faithful voter for over 55 years, I  urge all of us to think deeply about what kind of country and what kind of state we want to live in, to get involved in the issues we care deeply about,  and to exercise our right to vote this fall.  The whole country is paying attention to how we in rural Wisconsin will cast our votes. More than ever, our votes matter. I am energized by the positive messages of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, and their focus on caring for our neighbors.  This is evidenced by their emphasis on education, childcare, the environment, and the need to improve affordable housing and health care.  Harris and Walz stand with middle class Americans, with elders, with children.  Their message gives me hope that we can care for each other and the planet.  Someday my grandchildren will ask what I did during this election, and I want to tell them that I advocated for their future, and for the future of all the children.  We need leaders who will listen to their constituents and plan for the future.   We need leaders who care about the protection of our drinking water, and the safety of our schools, who will work to expand access to affordable health care.  We need leaders who are not beholden to the wealthy few.

 Harris and Walz know rural Wisconsin, and  will stick up for our interests.  They care about improving wages, providing accessible and affordable childcare and health care, and adequately funding  rural public schools. They are committed to fixing our broken immigration system through bipartisan efforts, shamefully scuttled by their opponent for his own political purposes.

As a grandmother, I am deeply concerned about the future of my grandchildren and all children.   Harris and Walz listen to these concerns and share a sense of urgency:  a vote for them is a vote for a healthy and safe future for all.

Mary Michal

Barneveld WI