August 15, 2024 at 2:10 p.m.
I-G board hears referendum management plan
District Administrator Michael Shimshak discussed the approaching referendum with the Iowa-Grat school board Monday.
He gave the board the figures for a phase in of the money generated from the referendum. He added that the October community supper will not be enough and suggested going out into the communities in the district to explain why a referendum is needed and how it will be operated.
He suggested levying only $400,000 to start with and how it will impact taxes.
He showed a video of why the future of education is impacted by the need for a successful referendum.
Shimshak added that the fund balance is in peril and is falling below the 15% recommended amount to help the district avoid borrowing.
He noted that six of the past 10 years have been without aid increases by the state which has created the need for a referendum.
Esser money and staff reductions have helped but without the referendum passing there will be a half million deficit for next year.
A few years out the viability of the school district will be in danger and could close the district...
(See the rest of this story in the Thursday, August 15, 2024 Chronicle issue)