September 29, 2023 at 9:50 a.m.

Reader asks for higher standards

Dear Editor,

It is with dismay that I read the most recent letter in the Chronicle from the Defender of the Constitution.

My dismay is not for Mr. Erickson - he at least is passionate in his ignorance.

My dismay is for the Chronicle whose publishers should know better.

By design Mr. Erickson’s letter was rude, combative, even libelous. It did nothing to inform or persuade. It did not shine a light or defend a truth.

The Chronicle is under no obligation to publish anyone’s opinion - either in the name of editorial balance or journalistic tradition. In publishing this letter, the Chronicle lent it credence it did not deserve. This was not legitimate comment. The letter belonged in the wastebasket, not in my mailbox.

Jim Bach

Dodgeville, WI