September 29, 2023 at 9:50 a.m.

Clearing up any misconceptions

Dear Editor,

There comes a time in everyone's life when you are faced with hard decisions. So hard that you almost would rather continue to keep trudging through the mud rather than to clean your boots off and find solid ground to walk on. Today I’m deciding to clean my boots off and find better ground, It's hard to move on from something when you feel like you are letting so many people down, but what I’ve decided, is that when you make decisions that will help you be your best, you actually never let anyone down and by cleaning those boots you can move forward onto new adventures.

 On January 9, 2019 I presented the idea of a Splash Pad to the Village of Cobb Board. While some board members were unsure about the project, I still felt passionate that this project would bring so much to our community, and the children and families in the area. I began by sending out surveys and collecting answers to see if community members supported the project. I presented the results to the Board and in June of  2019. The Village Board approved the project for fundraising efforts to begin and for money to be put in a savings account for park improvements with a priority of being used to build a Splash Pad. As we began fundraising, support for the project grew and community members dedicated time to fundraise and watch the project come to life. We worked towards building relationships with local businesses and the surrounding communities knowing that the Splash Pad would bring people to Cobb and that our community and its neighbors would benefit. The support from all of the generous donors and those who came and made each fundraiser a success is remarkable. Everyone should be proud of what was accomplished for this project.

I would love to sit here and pretend to act like all of this happened with no hardships but that is not the case. For the last 4 years people in this community have been spreading misinformation about the project such as water usage amounts, cost of water, and questioning if funds were being taken or misused. I am disheartened by these untruths and accusations. I spent time researching and gathering information from other communities that also have Splash Pads so the board could be informed. I attended many meetings and was available to answer any questions people may have had about the project. I even began writing the Cobb News report and started a Facebook Page to help keep the community informed and up to date on what was next for the project. Even after all this, every step forward was followed with 2 steps back. I was disappointed in the Village Board, when members voted  6-0 in support of the project and for fundraising to begin, then for some Board members that would consistently act as though they did not support the efforts being made for the project. The board continued to show signs of non-support when funds were raised for the pad to be built and the fundraising group was told they could get bids for the necessary construction needs. After this was done, the board then required that the process must go to public bid. We then lost out on a contractor who was donating labor time and we were dealing with inflation costs and availability of supplies. Every month that decisions were not made added cost to the project. This is why it took more money than was originally presented to the board years prior and at the time of plan approvals, the account was short $10,000.00. After discussion of a possible loan to cover the amount needed to be paid back by fundraising, the board did finally begin to put stake in the game and gifted the Splash Pad Project $11,000.00 of grant money that was given to the Village to be used for Parks and Recreation from the Cardinal Hickory Creek Lines. This was a turning point for those who worked so hard to raise money and get donations for the project to see that the Village began to accept the project and take some ownership of it.  

I’m sure those of you who have read this far are questioning why this is now all being brought up. It is now time for me to be able to speak about the project and to clear up any misconceptions. In order to accomplish a goal you must stay positive and keep moving forward. That would not have happened if every time there was a bump in the road, I gave up, so I pushed all of the negativity to the side and kept my eyes on the prize. Recently it was brought to my attention, that there are people in the community who feel like fundraising for the Splash Pad has fallen to the wayside and that things are not being run as they were intended to be done, by donations and fundraisers, and that they can do better and will become the future of the Splash Pad and current committee members will be the past.  Initially, I was hurt by these statements because I knew that fundraising efforts had been successful and we had raised enough money to cover the water costs for this season. After doing some investigating, I now know that these questions and concerns regarding the finances of the Splash Pad savings account refer to the last couple of months and a recent Board approval to use $3,000.00 of the Cardinal Hickory Creek grant money to cover money needed to pay for the final construction bill. First,  I would like it to be known that I was never informed by the Village that the bill was received or that the account would be short $3000.00 to cover all expenses. Secondly, I was not given the opportunity to go to a donor to ask for their pledged amount of money for the project that would have covered all of the $3,000.00, and their pledged donation would still have money remaining to give. I was unable to attend that month's meeting due to my work schedule and the board made that decision to use those funds on their own. It was not asked of them to provide more funding to the project.  What is most unfortunate about all of this is, I was not given the chance to provide the funds needed or to even be made aware of the issue. Misinformation is now being spread to our community, to past donors, and to future donors. I have since recommended to the Board that a formal committee be formed for Parks and Recreation so moving forward, this type of treatment towards volunteers does not continue. After many long days of thinking and processing, I would like to inform everyone that I will be stepping away from the Splash Pad Project. There is something to be said for knowing when your time is up and to pass the torch for someone else to take the lead. 

I hope that everyone who has supported me during these last 4 years while working on this project knows how greatly appreciative I am. Thank you to everyone who has supported the project and to those who will continue to support the project.  The Splash Pad is a wonderful addition to our park system and it will always bring a smile to my face when I see children and families having fun and enjoying it.  

Mary Foley

Cobb, WI