October 19, 2023 at 10:15 a.m.

Israel vs Hamas

Dear Editor,

This letter to the editor concerning by grief about the present war between Israel and Hamas.

For 50 years I have been torn between supporting the Israelis or the Palestinas. There is a clear case of hate by both sides and justified violent reaction to the others' violent behaviors. My position is mostly like the consistent position of the Obama, Trump and Biden administration, The Israelis and Palestinians showed little interest in living together in peace, so none of these administrations have been interested in invested diplomatic energy into a solution. The truth is there will be no peace until both sides get control of their populations and as a group WANT peace, yes want peace with the other side. Otherwise they continue with their religious differences and hates as they have for 4000 years.

Some side notes.  1. I could not slaughter an innocent family, soldiers, children , grandparents who are in their homes and not part of trying to kill me. That would be an unforgivable sin in my conscious. 2. Two I have no sympathy or like of orthodox jews who wear their garments, won't do military service and don't pay taxes since they consider themselves the holy ones above others, much like Christian Evangelicals in the USA in that they fasly consider themselves Christians without love or the Sermon on the Mount.

One thing these radical groups on each side in the middle east have in common is their debasement of women, making them powerless, making them wear garb identifying them as just a weak sex object to make more babies, more future soldiers....too much population for the space and resources of a dessert terrain.

I have little faith in Hamas and Netanyahu. Hamas rules peaceful Palestinians their own by religious based violence; Netanyahu like Trump is trying to do everything he can to maintain power so he does not go to jail.

I watch the news, do not take it personally. I dislike the barbarity I see. I hope the USA never gets to this point and believe it could if Trump would ever be reelected.  Sometimes it is better that some people where never born.

I also know from history that the type of leaders who behave as violent

authoritarians, they call themselves populists, manipulate democratic systems to get elected and then never let go. They are seduced by power instead of thinking as these power positions as SERVICE to their community.  We see these people in Wisconsin.

Maybe the good that comes out of what is happening, is that it is so nasty , so unethical, so immoral, that there will be a generation of peace that follows, something like the holocaust is not thinkable today, and where little holocausts pop up, the world condemns it and the authoritarian leaders do everything possible to deny that it even took place.  At least that means they understand what they are doing is morally wrong.

I have no solution. I do know that "Thou shalt not kill " is the true standard for all the world.  I would be sick unto death if my family was slaughtered either in Palestine or Israel. Just sick!

James Novak

Barneveld, WI