November 10, 2023 at 10:10 a.m.

Mineral Point council approves budget for 2024

The City of Mineral Point has a new operating budget for 2024 after council action following a budget hearing Tuesday.

City Administrator Matthew Honer provided the council and the one person attending by zoom with a short view of the budget.  He noted:


-The state imposed levy limit increased by 0.6% with the property tax accounting for 55% of the budgeted revenue.  The rest of the revenue comes from intergovernmental contributions, services fees or other identified sources.

-General investments should give the city an increase in revenue of $17,000.

-By staying under the 9.2 state imposed levy limit for 2022 and 2023 the city will receive $73,357 in supplemental aid as an expenditure restraint payment.

-Fee adjustments will result in additional revenue.

-Budgeting the way the city does it for unexpected revenues allows the city to anticipate the additional revenues without affecting the tax levy.

-Budgeted revenues are up 8.3%.  Without the budgeting for the unexpected revenues the increase out be 2.4%.


-Debt service will increase 2.6% which is modest considering the completion of the downtown project and committing to address additional maintenance and infrastructure improvements in the future.

-A 2% cost of living wage adjustment for all non-union employees is included.

-Fringe benefits have been accounted for in a more efficient manor.

-Capital Outlay expenditures total $91,000 which is a decrease of $1000.  Also $2000 was allocated to a Fire Station outlay account.

-The contingency in the budget is $23,421 which is available for unexpected expenditures.  This is less than 1% of he budget.

-Budgeted expenditures will increase 8.3%.  Excluding the Street and Park Departments’ Development Capacity budget expenditures, “hard costs” expenditures increase only 2.4%.

When the council adjourned the budget hearing and returned to regular session and approved Resolution 2023-10.  The resolution sets the property tax levy at $1,790,829.

The Mill Rate for the budget per $1,000 of assessed valuation will be $7.97 which is up $.05 from last year’s $7.92.

Honer presented the proposed fee schedule for 2024.

Under zoning administration the permits were increased $25 at each level, the culvert fee will be he engineering review actual costs plus 10%. There are also increases in the conditional use permit from $300 to $400,variance request from $300 to $500, commercial site plan review will be engineering review actual cost plus 10%, and zoning district changes from $300 to $500.

Utility permits will be engineering review costs plus 10%. A street opening permit will be $50.

Under water and sewer utility fees there will be a $30 fee for a returned check, a special billing charge will be $30, special meter reading charge will be $30, a missed appointment charge will be $30 during regular hours and $45  after hours. Also, a real estate closing account charge will be $30, bulk water meter charge will be $30 service charge plus monthly service charge.  A reconnection fee will be $30 during normal hours and $45 after hours anda lateral installation charge will be the actual cost.

Other fee changes are $150 per hour for public works assistance including lawn mowing, an increase in swim lesson fee from $35 to $45.

Summer recreation fees were increased for $60 to $65 for in house leagues and from $75 to $85 for travel leagues.

It was noted that financial circumstances will not prevent participation.

The council approved the fee resolution.

In other business the council approved the transfer of alcohol (beer and liquor) and cigarette/tobacco licenses for Kwik Trip.  The new location at  622 Dodge Street is scheduled to open this week.