November 3, 2023 at 11:45 a.m.

New tax levy approved for Highland school district

In less than 40 minutes Wednesday the Highland school district electors had a new tax levy approved and several resolutions passed at the annual meeting and special school board meeting that followed

There were no district residents except school board members and staff who attended the meeting.  There was also no zoom available for anyone not able to attend.

Highland school district Business Director Linda Hebgen went over the budget category by category for both revenues and expenditures.  She explained where the outside money comes from and read the budget figures that determines what taxpayers have to come up with to make it balance.

The new budget calls for a tax levy of $1,333,571 which is a 6.04% increase over last year.  However with an increased in equalized valuation the mil rate will be less.

Last year’s levy was $1,257,613.

The electors also:

-approved school board salaries for next year as the same they are presently.  The President, Clerk and Treasurer receive $45 per meeting and the directors $40.  The committee meeting reimbushment is $30 per meeting.

-Approved Highland State Bank as the offical depository.

-Approved a resolution that provides transportation of students.

-Authorized the district audit for next year.

-Approved participating in the school lunch program.

-Set October 25, 2024 at the annual meeting date for next year.

At a special meeting that followed the board adopted the budget for 2023-2024 and certified the tax levy.