July 18, 2023 at 9:40 a.m.
Updated July 18, 2023 at 9:40 a.m.
Iowa-Grant board approves new head lice policy
The Iowa-Grant School Board spent half their meeting Monday deciding on how to handle head lice if it appears in the district.
The board ended discussion when they took action to adopt the Neola recommended policy revisions which updates their current policy.
The policy points out that:
“Head lice are present in the community at all times and can be particularly prevalent among pre-school and elementary school-age children. Lice are a nuisance, but do not spread disease. Control of lice infestation is best handled by adequate treatment of the infested person and his/her immediate household and other close personal contacts. Contracting head lice is not an indicator of cleanliness or socioeconomic status.”
If a child in the District is found to have head lice or untreated nits the procedure adopted will be that school staff will notify the parent and recommend to pick up the student immediately and administer an FDA-approved lice treatment (e.g., pediculicide/ovicide), (treatment by a qualified healthcare provider, or treatment at a clinic specializing in lice and nit removal.)
If a student with live lice or untreated nits is not able to be picked up immediately, they may remain in the classroom for the remainder of the school day.
Students may return to the classroom after the appropriate use of an FDA-approved lice treatment (e.g., pediculicide/ovicide). After treatment and upon returning to school, the child will be examined by the school health staff, other designated staff members or principal. The District practices a policy of "no live lice" as a criterion for return to school.
Most of the discussion involved keeping someone with lice in school, sending them to the nurses office or sending them home. The policy, which was a second reading, passed on a close vote.
District Administrator Michael Shimshak informed the board about a WISDOT project that will improve the Pecatonica River Bridge on CTH G in the Town of Mifflin. The project will take place in 2024.
Shimshak also presented the board with the WASB resolutions approved at the annual WASB convention. He said the WASB lobby representative will be presenting to the Legislature when appropriate.
The Board approved a resignation request from softball coach Brian Coulthard.
Shimshak gave the board an update on the summer projects. He said the service panel at the high school is ready for bidding and will be sent to Alliant for review. The well house project has one quote with another expected this week. The carpet project at IGEMS will begin after the Little Theater and is planned to be ready for the start of the school year.
The board approved the adoption of Academic Standards as required under state statute 120.12(13). The approval is done annually.
School lunches will see a 10 cent increase due to higher milk costs. Reduced lunches will remain the same.
Prices for lunches approved by the board were:
-$3.00/lunch for Early Childhood, & 4K - 4th grade
-$3.35/lunch for grades 5-12
-.40/reduced price lunch for Early Childhood, & 4K - 12th grade (no change)
-$1.60/breakfast for Early Childhood, & 4K - 4th grade
-$1.70 /breakfast for grades 5-12
-.30/reduced price breakfast for Early Childhood, & 4K - 12th grade (no change)
-.40/milk for Early Childhood, & 4K - 12th grade
Shimshak said there will be a new system for milk which will be ala carte.
The board approved a resolution to continue operations until the annual meeting to allow short term borrowing. This is done to assure being able to meet obligations while waiting for payments from the state.
A contract addendum for speech and language services from CESA 3 was approved. The approval was delayed until the positions could be filled at CESA #3 to provide the services. Cost to the district is $245,235.00.
The board gave approval to a cheerleading activity/fundraiser for a cheer clinic for elementary and junior high students. The clinic cost will be $45.00.
The board approved the following donations:
-$640.70 from Carmel-Peniel Church toward unpaid lunch balances.
-$100 from Safe and Stable Family toward Missoula Theater
-$1000 from the Red Bandana Committee to go toward unpaid lunch balances.
The board met in closed session to discuss personnel and returned to open session to take the following action:
Spring Coaches
Golf - Art Pronschinske
Baseball - Head Kyle Riemenapp
Baseball - Assistant Zach Raimer
Softball Head Coach - no recommendation
Softball Assistant Coach - Greg Slack
Track Head Coach - Alexis Stevens
Track Assistant Coaches - Marla Simon & and Jacob Winkler
High School Assistant Girls Volleyball Coach
Shae Gillespie
High School JV Girls Basketball Coach
Makayla Loeffelholz
IGEMS P.E. teacher Joseph Woodhouse