January 5, 2023 at 9:42 a.m.

Wisconsin the Sucker State

Dear Editor,
The National Energy Research Lab map for industrial wind turbines (IWT) and industrial solar (IS) potential in Wisconsin shows that Wisconsin is rated at the very lowest for both. Wisconsin is in neither the wind corridor nor the sunbelt. Add this to the knowledge that IWTs and IS solar will never make up, pay back, or offset the carbon dioxide (CO2) deficit generated during their manufacturing and installation. Add in the fact that because of the unreliable intermittent nature of IWTs and IS, the state needs to have a reliable electric energy backup system from fossil or nuclear fuels. Add this to the fact that IWTs are deleterious to health with shadow flicker, harmful noise, red flashing lights at night, and a destroyed view shed. On top of all this, is the decrease in property values with decreased residential and commercial construction.
The Green New Deal (GND) is a disaster! If you are one who still believes in the antiquated view that global climate change is caused by fossil fuel CO2 increases, you will be horrified to learn that industrial wind and solar actually increase CO2 faster than fossil fuels or cow flatus.
Installing IWTs and IS is, therefore, an exercise in stupidity and futility and is done for two basic reasons:
One reason is greed. IWT and IS contractors are only interested in dollars. They are not concerned about helping to make the earth green, lowering CO2, or stopping climate change. They do not give a damn about us, the people who live in these areas--our health, the environment, or communities. If they didn't get U. S. government subsidies from the GND clowns in Washington, DC, these IWTs and IS would never be installed.
The second reason is that Wisconsin is a sucker state. All this was made possible by our past Wisconsin legislators who many years ago in 2009 gave away our right to control our farms and homes to three political appointees that make up the Public Service Commission. This elite group of three energy industry stooges tends to rubber stamp any insane "green" wind and solar project that comes their way. Any out-of-state or foreign IWT or IS bozo installer can come here and trash sucker-state Wisconsin. In return they make huge profits from our tax dollars through the government subsidies. Our rights, deleterious health effects, the environment, and economy are of no importance to these carpetbaggers. We citizens have no rights or say in the matter. This action was unconstitutional and should be challenged in court.
At listening sessions and with letters, concerned citizens have asked our current legislators to help us stop this industrialization debacle. They express concern and maybe write a few letters, but there has been no serious action. If our legislators were concerned about their constituents, they could easily get together and restore to us the control of our land and stop the industrialization of our exceptional state.
Legislators, we need you need to meet in an emergency session and put an IMMEDIATE MORATORIUM on all current and future industrial wind and solar projects in Wisconsin. You need to protect our lives and environment and prevent our beautiful state of Wisconsin from being destroyed.
George A. Schwarzmann Jr.
Belmont Township, Wisconsin