January 5, 2023 at 9:43 a.m.

Dirty "Green" Energy ... We've been Scammed!

Dear Editor,
By now I imagine most of the people reading this will have seen the dirty green energy industrial wind turbines (IWT) desecrating our rural landscape here in Southwest Wisconsin.
If you are one of the people that have been suckered into thinking there was anything green about these bohemith, oil-guzzling, Bald Eagle- killing, noisy, health-destroying, polluting, ugly, light-flashing giants you need to WAKE UP! If you are OK with child and slave labor manufacturing your dirty green power plants you need to WAKE UP! If you are so crass you are taking money to "host" one of these at your neighbors' expense you need to WAKE UP! And if you have been voting for current County Board members that approved this rubbish in our back yards without asking county residents YOU need to WAKE UP!
It's time for change alright but the dirty green new deal is not the change rural residents of SoutheWest Wisconsin want to live in. It's time to recall the board members who voted for this debacle without asking the people. It's time to recall the state legislators who took our rights to govern ourselves away from us in 2009. It's time we stop being screwed by non-government officials (NGOs) (lobbyists) (non- elected Public Service Officials) who have bamboozled and bought out our elected officials and our WI Public Service Commission (which is also non-elected and does not govern by the will of the people).. A brand new township dump truck will never replace the peace we lost in our lives when the dirty green energy moved in. And the truck is just the beginning....follow the money. Anyone can do the research and find the rest.
It's time we get rid of all the spineless people in elected offices that vote for these disasters without the consent of the people. We need to purge the system of this corruption and elect honest men and women into those positions who will stand up for the rights of the citizenry. We also need to get rid of non-elected officials making decisions for people and places they know nothing about.
How long will we ignore the lack of honest leadership we are witnessing? How long will we allow our neighbor's property rights be destroyed? What will be next on their list of pet projects? Perhaps it will even be next door to YOU or maybe ON your property! How will YOU feel about dirty green energy then?
I've read accounts of how, before and during WWII, the Germans sat in churches singing louder and louder to block the screams of their Jewish neighbors locked on the trains going past on the way to
Auschwitz. Right now YOUR neighbors in Southwest Wisconsin are screaming at the destruction of their peace and tranquility on their own properties...destruction brought about by the poor choices of our
elected officials who were scammed by NGOs. Will you, like the Germans, choose to just "sing" louder so you can ignore the injustice or will you choose to stand up and help your neighbors in their time of need?
At the very least, if you are impressed by this dirty green energy, I hope you are praying daily for the health and safety of the children and slaves that were forced to build your ugly green idols that have ruined the peace and tranquility of our homes in Southwest Wisconsin. I hope you are haunted by the fact forced labor in China and property rights destruction in our area was used to make your dirty green dreams come true.
Linda Grice
Stitzer, WI
Liberty Township
Grant County, WI