August 25, 2023 at 9:45 a.m.

We have a conundrum!

Dear Editor,

We have a conundrum! In July, approximately 100 citizens from the Town of Mineral Point attended the monthly town meeting. They were there to discuss the possibility of Industrial Wind Turbines being built within the town and the need for the MP Town Board to write a Health and Safety Ordinance to help protect its citizens. The residents learned that of the three supervisors, two had signed easements on their land. This has created a problem for township residents. Although the two supervisors who have the easements have ethically recused themselves from discussion and voting on the issue, the single remaining supervisor, the town board chairman, can not muster a quorum to even discuss the topic. Obviously, the citizens were upset. As a result of this contentious meeting, the town board chair refused any further public comments at its August 9 town board meeting.

In an effort to mitigate this problem, citizens of the town sent a letter to the town supervisors, asking for the two supervisors who have the easements to resign for the good of the town citizens. Then, the letter asks that the chairman appoint neutral parties to replace them. Forty residents of the town have signed the letter so far.

On August 10, 2023, Pattern’s Upland Winds LLC of San Francisco, California made a pre-application to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. This corporation plans to build 134-180 wind turbines up to 640 feet tall in Iowa, Lafayette, and Grant Counties. Over the next 180 days, before Pattern makes its final application, area citizens and town boards have the opportunity to work together to protect the well-being of our unique driftless landscape and its people.

This issue is probably the most consequential decision that the town board supervisors will face in their lifetime let alone their tenure. Citizens have a First Amendment right to speak, even if those words are uncomfortable.


Frank and Barb Polizzi, 

Town of Mineral Point

Tom and Judith Kordus, 

Town of Mineral Point