September 23, 2022 at 2:30 p.m.

Trumpian Fantasies Redux

Dear Editor;
It is quite apparent, from John Curran's letter to the editor, that there is still an attempt to compare apples to bicycles (per my letter two weeks ago.) Several important points were overlooked in his letter. Hillary Clinton wasn's the president of the United States. I guess that I may have needed to put that in all CAPS, since it was apparently overlooked. Hillary Clinton did not steal any documents. The FBI chose not to proceed with its investigation of her private email server (just like Ivanka and Jered's private servers, although they were not the subjects of an investigation.) Huh? wonder why not.
Let's take a look at someone who (unfortunately) was president. Donald Trump stole hundreds of secret documents. He obstructed justice in order to keep the documents. He kept some of them in his desk at a public club. He was known to destroy government documents. He was found with 40 empty folders which previously held classified documents. His other properties have not been searched, so we have no idea how many other official documents the ex-president is keeping or has destroyed. He is a danger to everyone in this country. He should be in jail. Just in case I gave this insufficient emphasis: HILLARY WASN'T THE PRESIDENT AND DIDN'T STEAL ANY DOCUMENTS. She was an excellent Secretary of State.
Michael Britt
Still a citizen of a free country.
Dodgeville, WI