September 23, 2022 at 2:29 p.m.

Spicer's platform works

Dear Editor;
Leah Spicer's common sense approach to politics is a breath of fresh air and an approach that all of us in Wisconsin's 51st Assembly District can get behind. Her Democratic platform places working families, small businesses, and rural communities - the heartbeat of our country - front and center.
If you'd like to see increased access to health care; lower cost of prescription drugs; expanded early childhood education programs; enhanced paid family leave options; support to family members caring for their elderly loved ones; initiatives to make home ownership more affordable; expanded support to our local schools and teachers and a closer connection between local businesses, farms, and schools; increased investment in start-ups; a higher minimum wage; water quality testing, remediation, and research to protect our water from PFAS; an emphasis on clean/green energy initiatives; upholding of reproductive rights and the repeal of the 1849 criminal abortion ban; and an end to gerrymandering in Wisconsin, then check out Leah's website at, spread the word to your friends and neighbors, and vote for Leah in November.
Monica Sella
Spring Green, WI