September 1, 2022 at 1:39 p.m.

Visit our booth at the fair

Dear Editor;
I would like to invite everyone to the Iowa County Fair. Even is you don't have a free ticket, it is worth going to the fair to see what is happening in Iowa County.
The Long View Alliance WI will be having a booth there with information regarding industrial wind turbines. Please stop in for yourself to learn more about the effects on the areas where wind turbines are built. Take a drive over by Montfort and see what's happening. Pattern Energy is planning to come to Lafayette and Iowa counties. We can make a difference. Write or call your legislators, the Public Service Commission and the Citizen's Utility Board of WI.
We are in the midst of fighting to keep our county a farming community. We do not need industrial turbine projects destroying our roads, killing bats and birds, causing health effects in our citizens and possibly affecting our well water and property values. Please consider attending our informational meeting on Wednesday, September 28th, 6:30pm, at the Quality Inn, Mineral Point.
Please stop in and see us at the Iowa County Fair.

Steve Ferrell
Iowa County Landowner
Monroe, WI