September 1, 2022 at 1:40 p.m.

Sen. Marklein: my county is strugling

Dear Editor;
"Howard respects the role of local government leaders and seeks ways to work with them to improve rural life in the 17th Senate District."
This was a direct quote from Sen. Marklein as a reason to vote for him. Isn't it amazing, however, that Sen. Marklein, as the chair of the JFC, has been complicit in the cutting of funds to counties and schools? He has made life so much more difficult by these actions. Counties are struggling to continue to pay for mandated and unmandated services. Schools are struggling to not only get teachers, but to pay them. Taxpayers are struggling to pay their ever increasing taxes, because of these cuts. That money, that hoarded money, could be used to help us get through this current struggle; could be used for our future. The Republicans are afraid if they use this money as suggested by Gov. Evers that it will make them look weak. Guess what, Senator? By not helping out your constituents now, you just look sleazy.
Sen. Marklein: my county is struggling. You have cut dollars needed for basic services. Yet, you say you are our friend. In what way? You don't do anything for our roads (try Hwy 14), our 2 year campus (in danger of closing due to YOUR cuts), our budget, our schools. Heck, you don't even come here to see these things.
So, Howard, THIS is why we should vote for you? For all the harm you have done to our local economy? And to think you are sitting on $5,000,000,000 (yes, billion) and not using those dollars to help us, but keeping the money until 2024 when you will then "give the money back to the taxpayers" AKA - attempt to buy votes for the "fiscally responsible" Republicans. Does he really think we can't see through this plan?
Barbara Voyce
Lone Rock, WI