September 1, 2022 at 1:39 p.m.

Global climate science

Dear Editor;
In 1987 officials at the United Nations predicted that entire countries would be annihilated if Global Warming wasn't reversed by the year 2000. In 2008, ABC's Good Morning America estimated that by 2015 New York City would be under water because of climate change. In 2009 the head of NASA Goddard Research Center predicted that Barrack Obama had "4 years to save planet Earth".
As an independent, I prefer to avoid Democrat/Republican spats, but in this latest election cycle Democrats seem to prefer fluff over fact. Discussion of runaway inflation, $5 Gas, and insane open borders policy are avoided at all costs. Democrats however, seem to have an obsession to support the craziness in the field of climate science. The first paragraph above is filled with statements that support only hysteria and craziness. Furthermore it's craziness without evidence. When Science no longer requires evidence, it is no longer science. It's personal opinion with a pre-existing bias.
Not convinced yet about climate control craziness, well hang on to your "electric" socks! The world has about 8 Billion people and adds about 80 Million new people every year. Europe has about 750 Million People. China has about 1.3 Billion people. India has about 1.5 Billion people. The United States has a relatively small 330 Million and declining. China generates 54% of the worlds coal fired power and is responsible for 40% of the worlds carbon emissions. China has built 185 new coal fired plants since 2020 and has 350 more under construction. They are building and financing hundreds of new coal fired plants all over the world. China is also firing up 4 brand spanking new coal fired plants every single week. India incidentally, is also starting up 3 brand new coal fired plants every single week. China has built and fired up more new coal fired plants than the rest of the world combined has shut down.
Dem's are still probably not convinced, but a little knowledge of the "3rd Rock from the Sun" called Earth could be useful. NASA recently conducted a study led by 32 authors from 24 institutions in 8 countries using satellites equipped with very High Resolution Radiometer Instruments to determine the amount of Greenleaf cover over the planets vegetated regions. They got a surprise. One half of the Earths vegetated lands have shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This study is published in the Journal of Nature Climate Change.
I know that at least one woman is still not convinced as she recently wrote that she wants her kids safe from "weather related global disasters", and she wants "immediate massive actions". Maybe she should write a letter to China and beg them to save America and the rest of the world. China might write back and remind her that plants take in CARBON DIOXIDE and emit OXYGEN out. Humans take in OXYGEN and emit CARBON DIOXIDE out. For both it's a process called breathing.
The numbers above show the United States is clearly not the problem, nor is it the global villain and certainly not big enough to be the solution, but one thing is for sure, shifting oil production, solar panel production, battery production and other manufacturing jobs to China, only inspires China to build more and more dirty coal fired plants.
Daniel J McGuire
Lone Rock, WI