May 20, 2022 at 10:01 a.m.

Wisconsin forward

Dear Editor;
In 1851, Wisconsin adopted "Forward" as the official state motto. In 2022, we face the clear choice of voting for candidates who embody, or fail to embody, that motto. Senator Ron Johnson seeks to move our state and nation backwards while Governor Tony Evers continues to push Wisconsin forward. While Johnson flagrantly spread COVID misinformation, Evers pushed preventative measures, widespread testing and accessible vaccination. While Johnson dismissed climate change as "BS", Evers created the Office of Environmental Justice to mitigate the impacts of climate. While Johnson campaigned to divert tax dollars from public to private schools, Evers fought to provide the funding our public schools need to meet 21st Century challenges. This week, Johnson voted against the Women's Health Protection Act, intended to protect a woman's right to safe and legal abortion. Gov. Evers recognizes reproductive rights as a keystone in the century-long progression toward equality for Wisconsin women. Ron Johnson's visions so far as public health, public education and environmental quality would place Wisconsin alongside states which haven't even moved past the Civil War. Tony Evers' vision is of a Wisconsin which sets an example by continually striving to become a better home for its citizens.
Janet Brandt
Arena, WI