May 20, 2022 at 10:01 a.m.

Wind Turbines Everywhere

Dear Editor;
Sometimes I am called a NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) because I oppose the industrial wind turbines projected for the SW Wisconsin rural, Driftless Area.
Okay, if you think it is okay to cover the Driftless Area with these 650 ft. tall monsters, okay, build them. Build them everywhere...and build them in Lake Mendota and Lake Monona. Needing 80 acres per wind turbine, Lake Mendota could hold up to 122 turbines and Lake Monona could support up to 40 turbines. That would provide a lot of energy to Madison citizens.
So, who would be the NIMBYS in that scenario?
Those who are not getting the industrial turbines pushed down their throats are the real NIMBYS.
Why is the beautiful Driftless Area less important than the beautiful Madison lakes? My point is, keep industry in the industrial areas...cities, and keep rural areas rural. Have you heard of zoning?
This, so called green energy wind turbine project is unjust, unfair and undemocratic. If you agree with me, please take action. Speak out to friends and neighbors and contact your legislators and Governor Evers, asking them to rethink the industrial wind and solar take over of our state.
Jean Luecke
Dodgeville, WI