May 20, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.

Spiritual War

Dear Editor;
I was a Lutheran all my life. I still love my church, but wokeism infected it. I left.
Wokeism is like a cult religion. It has beliefs, leaders, and Cancel Culture to enact those beliefs. Wokeists vote Democrat but I hope most Democrats are not wokeists, who have declared war on our God given rights that cost so much in blood to earn. In total hypocrisy, they use their rights to deny the same to others.
When Bishop Elizabeth Eaton at labeled Kyle Rittenhouse a vigilante murderer she quoted Leviticus 19:15 "You shall not render an unjust judgement...". Then she states, "When a child is allowed to become a vigilante without recourse, we are forced to confront the idols of our society: guns, violence, and white supremacy." Without recourse? That's a lie. Eaton took a fact immunity shot. Kyle tried his best to run away and he loves blacks!
You shall know evil by its hypocrisy and lies. Eaton wouldn't answer my letter so going public to fight for my church is the only way. If Kyle was found guilty it would be solely a political judgement. A national political police force that targets the opposition is where Eaton's logic leads. Sound like Marxism? You bet. Rights under Marxism come from government, not God. Eaton completely lets the rioters off the hook. She never posted a condemnation of the burning, looting, and murdering that occurred a couple summers ago. Extremely selective about violence isn't she?
The rioters had every recourse to NOT seek violence. They didn't. Kyle's crime? He put out a dumpster fire to be used by rioters to start a business on fire. For that, he was chased and hunted for murder by 1 person, then a mob. If Kyle hadn't defended himself he would be dead. What would Eaton say then? Likely nothing. Kyle is a vigilante, murderer, and white supremacist to her. Martin Luther described the commandment against bearing false witness to prohibit the public judgment and reproof of his neighbor.
Eaton publicly bore false witness against Kyle. Bishop Eaton, I can quote scripture too.
Romans 13:1 "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities...".
Eaton tells us she knows God's moral code better than the Apostle Paul and Martin Luther. She must go.
Please help. I want my church back. Evil wokeism must be rid from our land.

Gregory Erickson
former US Army Infantryman
My oath never expired!
Dodgeville, WI