March 18, 2022 at 11:58 a.m.

Nuclear Power

Dear Editor;
Death Knell for Industrial Wind and Solar Power
March 14, 2022
From Wisconsin Public Radio/NPR comes the following quote by John Davis Tuesday, March 8, 2022:
"A LaCrosse-based energy company is exploring adding nuclear energy back into its mix of power to provide customers with electricity. Dairyland Power Cooperative has entered into an agreement with NuScale Power based in Portland, Oregon to explore using its smaller scale nuclear generating technology to provide power to more than a half million residents in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois."
In another development, the European Union has awakened to the renewable wind and solar hoax and is planning to consider natural gas and nuclear power as sources of "green" energy (Asnet and Slebold, February 1, 2022, Reuters).
It appears that some people with decision-making power in the electric power industry are looking past the tip their Green-New-Deal (GND) noses and seeing the facts of life. This is the kiss of death and the end for industrial wind and solar electric power and another good reason to stop the installation of the white elephant wind turbines-NOW.
This is due to the development of very safe 4th generation, modular nuclear power plants to supply local, regional electricity that do not require the massive, expensive, environmentally destructive and inefficient transmission lines like those proposed for the unneeded Cardinal Hickory Creek Transmission line. The nuclear waste from the old liquid-cooled nuclear reactors can be used as fuel in the new reactors, thus reducing its volume to 1/6. They produce no CO2, work 24/7/365 in any weather, and are the size of a shipping container or a tractor trailer. They can put one in my backyard. Hundreds of these units can be produced for a fraction of the billions of dollars the federal government has already authorized for the black hole infrastructure projects. The Russians and Chinese have working models for sale. The U. S. is catching up.
Industrial wind turbines (IWTs) are the worst way to generate electricity. They are expensive, inefficient, unsafe, and unhealthy. The current, outdated, and illegal setback distances were designed for IWTs 1/3 the size of today's giant turbines that companies want to put in Grant, Lafayette, and Iowa counties. The Wisconsin Public Service Commission is derelict in its duty to protect the public. Because IWTs are unreliable, they must be backed up by other reliable sources of electricity. IWTs are built only because our tax dollars pay a 100% subsidy. Warren Buffet, who puts up IWTs, says no subsidy, no turbines. The GND folks do not consider the fact that IWTs are very polluting and environmentally devastating to produce, to install, and to dispose of. Going with wind turbines is like changing over from the modern, sleek internal combustion-engine-powered vehicles to 19th century steam-engine power.
IWTs are primitive and outdated. It is time to declare an immediate moratorium on them and stop the insanity. The Grant County Board has approved 29 of these 700-foot-tall monsters to be put up starting this spring! They must be stopped! Call or email your county supervisors and state representatives now. Tell Senator Howard Marklein and Representatives Todd Novak and Travis Tranel that they can and must stop this disaster and consider nuclear power!

George Schwarzmann
(Wind Turbine Buster)
Belmont Township, Wisconsin