March 1, 2022 at 1:34 p.m.

There is war in SW Wisconsin

Dear Editor;
There is a war going on with the Red Barn Industrial Wind Turbines, Allete Wind, Upland Industrial Wind Turbines, Whitetail Industrial Wind Turbines, Badger Hollow Solar Array, Carinal Hickory Creek Transmission Line that people need to know about in Grant, Iowa and Lafayette County!! Within this war, there are several battles with bloodshed that is raging against the people of Southwestern Wisconsin!!
Who are our oppositions?
1) Cardinal HIckory Creek Transmission Line 2) Uplands Industrial Wind Turbines 3) Badger Hollow Solar Array 4) White Tail Industrial Wind Turbines LLC., in the Township of Clifton 5) Red Barn Industrial Wind Turbines LLC. in the Township of Wingville. 6) Allete Clean Energy 7) Pattern LLC., Iowa and Lafayette County 8) Building of Solar Arrays by MGE and WE Energies.
What are the weapons and battles against us?
1) 171 numbers of 650 feet high or more Industrial Wind Turbines 2) Many many many acres of Solar Panels called Badger Hollow Solar Array by Madison Gas and Electric and WE Energies south of Cobb raping acres with removal of 5 feet (without a rock in it) soil from our precious Driftless Area which it seems were sold to Madison. 3) Many Large Substations Being Built in the Counties. 4) Proposed Red Barn of 28 Industrial Wind Turbines in Wingville Township 5) Proposed Whitetail Wind Project 24 Industrial Wind Turbines in Town of Clifton 3) All destroying SW Wisconsin to make little money.
What and who do we need to protect?
1) our land 2) our water 3) our air 4) our environment, 5) our homes 6) our animal and plant species 7) our farmland 8) our towns and cities 9) our land easemements. 10) the delclining tourism 11) important is our health with cell damage by industrial wind turbines 12) but most of all the people need protection!!!
Why is this happening? Who is paying us off?
Greed for a few dollars of our land, water, health, environment, land easements, tourism, towns, animals and the Driftless area?? Who gets paid? ATC, Pattern, Allete, MGE, WE Energies and the list goes on with Big Foreign Investors and Big Corporations.
And who pays them?
We do, the ratepayers and subsidies!
End result.
Southwest Wisconsin becoming an industrial wasteland!
This is a war with many battles to fight for our Southwest Wisconsin but I think it is worth it, if not for ourselves, our children, and our chidren's children....
(With my dismay, I went to the Wingville Town Board Meeting last night and could not help but hear how the Allete Company no matter what the human cost of Industrial wind turbine wanted to go forward with 28 INDUSTRIAL WIND TURBINES IN WINGVILLE township to start in the fall)

Dr. Gloria Belken
and LeRoy Belken
Montfort, Wisconsin