March 1, 2022 at 1:32 p.m.

Say no to wind turbines

Dear Editor;
Why does the general public continue to lose in green energy projects? A handful of land owners hold the winning cards to the community's fate.
The Cardinal Hickory Creek transmission line is tied up in court but the utilities continue to bulldoze their way across the land. As Dave Cieslewicz wrote in his article for the Isthmus on 2/10/22 "Here's what Federal Judge William Conley wrote: "The Utilities are pushing forward with construction on either side of the Refuge, even without an approved path through the Refuge, in order to make any subsequent challenge to a Refuge crossing extremely prejudicial to their sunk investment, which will fall on their ratepayers regardless of completion of the CHC project, along with a guaranteed return on the Utilities' investment in the project."
Wisconsin ratepayers lose either way, if it's built or note. It's just a blight on the driftless area which will turn into more blights on the landscape with the Red Barn and Whitetail industrial wind farms planned in the near future. These IWF's are planning turbines over 600' tall and they are already mapped out. What's the setback?
To close for comfort...check out this video with an artist's rendition of what the turbines will look like near Livingston: Once these have been built it paves the pathway for Pattern Energy in the Mineral Point area. Is that what Mineral Point wants to be known as? That town enveloped by 698' wind turbines... everywhere you look, another turbine.
How long before the citizen's of Iowa County are ill from the effects of these turbines? How long before Iowa County ends up like Brown County where the health department has deemed the turbines a human health hazard? Let's get together and just say NO to Industrial Wind Turbines.
Steve Ferrell
Iowa County landowner
Monroe, WI