March 1, 2022 at 1:31 p.m.

Imagine This

Dear Editor;
Imagine you are a landowner. You love your property. You do not want Cardinal-Hickory Creek (CHC) high-voltage transmission lines and towers on your land. But you have no choice. Crews arrive and cut down your trees and clearcut all the vegetation. You are heartbroken and angry. Later you learn that the transmission line is not being built after all.
All the destruction of your property was done for naught. No one can resurrect your trees, vegetation, and habitat so you are left to live with the scar on your land and your psyche.
Tragically, this scenario is a distinct possibility. One lawsuit has prevented construction of CHC across the Mississippi River and another lawsuit has a strong chance to stop the entire CHC project completely.
Imagine you are not a landowner but you love the Driftless Area. You do not want the beautiful terrain and unique environment to be ruined by industrial-scale transmission lines. You likewise have no choice.
Imagine you are a utility customer. You likewise have no choice but to pay for this needless destruction, whether or not CHC is completed.
Please contact your legislators and Governor Evers about this travesty.
Ask them to support the thousands of their constituents who remain opposed to CHC:-by telling ATC and ITC to STOP CONSTRUCTION, immediately, until the ultimate fate of CHC is decided in court.
Betsy D'Angelo
Town of Dodgeville, WI