June 17, 2022 at 9:34 a.m.

A Simple Question

Dear Editor;
How many of your freedoms and rights are you willing to give up? Many talk of the need to compromise. Can there be compromise on the Bill of Rights?
This is the question that will determine whether our grand experiment in democracy survives. A fact is we can't trust media today. Multiple sources of information and critical thinking are necessities. Also, fonts of intellect and wisdom like the great Thomas Sowell are needed.
Biden proposed a Ministry of Truth that is right out of George Orwell's 1984. Of course Biden's Dems would determine what is truth. If you haven't read 1984 you need to. Then think if that's the country you want.
It doesn't matter the proposal was tabled. The very fact it was proposed is a huge alarm.
How about the fact that the Justice Department has been weaponized to go after parents who speak up at school board meetings? The Supreme Court has ruled a number of times that freedom of speech must be vigorous and robust. I haven't seen evidence of conservatives suppressing free speech of liberals but there is a mountain of evidence of the opposite. The left owns Cancel Culture. Georgia just saw record voter turnout in its primary. It's a total lie that Republicans suppressed voting.
Both sides are hypocrites to some extent because humans are imperfect and sinful. Logically, a way to tell which side to vote for is who is the least hypocritical.
Gregory Erickson
former Army Infantryman
My oath never expired!
Dodgeville, WI