February 24, 2022 at 11:55 a.m.

More numbers should be given

Dear Editor;
Differing views and debate are necessary for informed decisions about mandates, masks, vaccinations, etc. I was brought up, as I am sure you were, to find out as much information as possible before I made a decision. As a nurse I valued informed consent for patients.
As a nurse, I have concerns we don't see any national or local debate on opposing views and there are MANY opposing views. Examples are Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Richard Fleming, who have not just grave concerns but have reams of published research reports to validate their concerns.
We keep hearing vaccinations are "safe and effective" but are they?? As for effectiveness, just look around. As for safety, the CDC's own website (VAERS) Vaccination Adverse Event Reporting System publishes a weekly report of the number of adverse reactions and deaths from the vaccinations. Why aren't these numbers listed in the papers like the numbers of cases are?
Why haven't we seen a local debate about the harm of wearing a mask? Yes, there are harms. Any person who can look in the national database called PubMed for studies about the many harms on long term mask wearing. We need to see open and informed debates on these issues.
Proverbs 14:15 "The simple believes every word. But the prudent man considers well his steps."
Nancy Buck, RN, BSN, retired
Dodgeville, WI