February 17, 2022 at 10:37 a.m.

Disappointed In the Closing of Bloomfield

Dear Editor;
Recently I had conversations with several Iowa County residents who expressed their disappointment on the closing of Bloomfield.
I know there are members of the Iowa County Board and citizens of Iowa County that remember Tiny and Edna Carroll. For many years, Tiny was a City of Dodgeville policeman and Edna worked at the Perkins Market. In retirement, Tiny fixed clocks and he fixed a couple for me. Through this, I had the chance to become acquainted with the Carroll's. One day I stopped at their home and Tiny was alone because Edna ended up in the nursing home. He was in tears and told me how he and Edna worked all their lives, saved their money, did not live lavishly, and had no family. He said, if things would have stayed as they were, they would have been able to pay for Edna's care. But life changed dramatically and the Carroll's were running out of money and would need assistance. Later on, Tiny also needed care.
There are many Tiny and Edna's in the same situation - who worked hard, saved their money, paid taxes and now need care in a wonderful facility such as Bloomfield. Slamming the door shut on our aging population is disgraceful when they need comfort and security. I find it disgusting, when I think of just putting these people on the curb. We are all God's creatures and providing for them is our obligation.
I'm asking the Iowa County Board to evaluate the money wasted at the county level (and don't tell me there is none) and with this money, work on saving Bloomfield. We need this facility here to provide for our people and not ship them out of the county. You, members of the Iowa County Board, have had many years to work on this project, and instead, put other items ahead of this critical situation. Now treat our aging population with respect and kindness. Someday one of you may also need a Bloomfield facility and not find one. Our citizens in need of help should be given respect and kindness.
Rita Esch
Dodgeville, WI