February 11, 2022 at 11:34 a.m.

40 year contracts?

Dear Editor;
Inquiring minds want to know why. Why are older landowners signing 40 year contracts that they won't see the end of said contracts?
Are they thinking about the next generation? Why can my neighbor sign a lease that changes my view? Why can just a handful of landowners turn our county into an industrial wind farm? Why doesn't everyone in the county get a vote on the project? This project will affect everyone, does everyone actually know what is planned for our area?
Pattern Energy has an industrial wind farm planned with turbines possibly twice as tall as those located around Montfort. The county board says they cannot do anything. Why has the state taken away the local control. We need to write and call our representatives to voice our concerns. Our area will never be the same if it turns into an industrial wind farm.
There are view impediment laws, why don't those apply to wind turbines. What's going to happen when the 40 year contracts are up? Who pays to decommission wind farms? What about our animals? Are they safe from infrasound? Are we safe from infrasound? Check out the website Healthy Wind Wisconsin. This site addresses concerns about wind farms.
Visit Columbia County here in Wisconsin where there are residents that have abandoned their homes due to infrasound, shadow flicker and other health issues caused by the industrial wind farm there. We should learn from them and say NO to these contracts and keep our counties safe from this invasion.

Steve Ferrell
Iowa County Landowner
Monroe, WI