December 23, 2022 at 3:35 p.m.

Thoughts at Christmas

By J. Patrick

It's Christmas
For Christians it is a time to celebrate the birth of Christ. The story of the journey to Bethelem, the time in the stable and the birth will be told many times the next several days. It is a time of Joy, a time to Rejoice.
Christmas over the years for me have gone in many directions. I have been with people I love and over the years I have lost many I love. It changes the way the holiday is celebrated as I have to learn how to celebrate a memory.
I am blessed with what I consider a good family. I love my children and my grandchildren, my brother and my cousins. They are who I have left. I am thankful we can be together for another Christmas.
My wish to everyone is for good health, both physical and mental. While the holidays can be wonderful they can also be stressful. So, slow down a little, take a deep breath or two and stay in the present.
I am sure you have all heard about the potential for bad weather the next few days. If that happens there will be many who will have their Christmas interrupted when they are called to move snow to keep everyone as safe as possible. They do that all winter and we are grateful for what they do.
It will be a time where law enforcement personnel and Emergency Medical services will be on duty and on call. They will be there to help and protect also.
Mail carriers have been working long hours and they deserve our thanks for getting us our packages and our letters and cards. They provide a service we sometimes take for granted as we know "the mail must go through."
The staff at our newspapers want to wish everyone the best holiday ever. Celebrate Christ's birth. Spend time with loved ones. And spread the same joy all year long.