December 1, 2022 at 1:57 p.m.

What is really "Green"?

Dear Editor,
It seems to me that Green Energy is all about the Green in people's pockets. County boards seem to be biased towards wind and solar projects because of the revenue it brings in. The board will have more money to spend on roads and other improvements. Does all that green really help us? We can get our roads fixed but at what cost? What is your health worth to you? Your peace of mind? Can you put a price on it?
We keep giving acres up for green energy and soon we won't have any farmland left to grow the food for a growing population. Most people love money, but if you're ill, all that money doesn't do you any good. Maybe you have a farm that's been in the family for decades and now your neighbors have huge wind turbines. Turbines that cause you to have headaches and nausea so bad you have to move from your farm.
Why should you have to deal with the effects of a turbine that you didn't want. These green energy projects should be voted on in a referendum so everyone has say with what happens in our county, not just those land owners with hundreds of acres. These wind turbines will affect numerous people, not just the ones that live close by. Mineral Point is a tourist town, are people going to come to a town surrounded by giant wind turbines? People need to look at the big picture and the effects of green energy not just the green in your pocket.

Steve Ferrell
Iowa County land owner
Monroe, WI